What factors are important when selecting a designer to work with? 

I understand first hand how difficult it can be to make decisions as to who to hire. With access to the internet, options seem unlimited and freedom to work with an array of creatives doesn’t make it simpler. Firstly, the work of the designer should resonate with you. It should inspire you to create a brand or improve your current brand. You should be able to imagine your business fitting the aesthetic of the designer you choose to work with. 

Secondly, it is worth looking at the niche audience the designer serves. Many creatives or agencies service different industries. If you are a yoga instructor for instance, you may not find your vision aligns with a designer that creates for food companies! Working with a designer that shares your ethics and visions will make the process a joy. The outcome will be far more successful when you have an impassioned collaborator on your team.

Lastly, decide on how you would like the process to look. You could choose to hire an agency with years of experience or a solo creative. Working with me, you get the benefits of a designer with experience working at an agency, a decade of experience within the industry and a one-to-one communication process where you know you always have my ear and personal support. 

Can I add on collateral at a later stage if I decide I need it? 

Absolutely! Ideas develop, and your needs become more apparent as we go through the process of getting clear on how you will communicate with your tribe. It is natural that after working together, you will have more clarity on what you need additional support with. 

Does it matter that we aren’t in the same city? 

Apart from the fact that we have to grab a “virtual” coffee over Skype rather than at our local café, (which of course would be wonderful) we can 100% work together! My clients call New York, Cologne, L.A. and Istanbul home. I’d love to add you to that international list. 

How long is the process for a logo? 

The experience of collaborating on a logo and brand design is from 4-6 weeks. The package is rooted in purpose and looks to hone into your target audience, your positioning, your competitors and most importantly how to allow your brand to stand out above the noise. We create this targeted approach through a workbook you receive on booking, a one-to-one in depth call, and 3 rounds of design. You will come away with an array of options and a brand guide demonstrating how to use your logo, typography, colour palette, icons or pattern across media so that no matter where you show up, your audience is receiving a cohesive experience.  

How do I provide feedback on the design? 

When you sign up, I organise a personal timed schedule to guide and reassure you with the experience we are about to undertake. Within this guide are dates for your diary on when you will receive design from me and when I expect to hear back from you. I leave a few days for you to look over your schedule, aiding you with the clarity of a few good nights’ sleep to think on it. I welcome feedback through email and voice recorded messages. I do allow for one-to-one calls to provide feedback however with experience in this, it does lead to a longer process time to allow time for call scheduling. 

I need a design ASAP, are we still able to work together?

If my schedule allows, I would love to see if a collaboration is possible. I do offer fast turn around for clients that are close to the finish line, but please allow for additional fees for this swift service. 

How can I book?

It’s wonderful that my work resonates with you! You can get in touch with me at studio@rebeccahawkes.co.uk to book a 1 hour discovery call or to chat in person.